Sunday 7 August 2011

Disaster errors humanHand2011/E1

God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (Quran 30:41)

Think . . NowWHAT humanWANT?

4U2C-Disaster errors humanHand
Bencana Kerosakan Oleh Tangan Manusia?

Arrests In Enfield Amid Looting And Violence

Extra police have been deployed to Enfield to handle clashes that have broken out this evening after a night of rioting in nearby Tottenham. At least 200 youths are believed to be in the area Enfield High Street where shop windows have been smashed and a police car attacked. Scotland Yard confirmed several people have been arrested after looting in the borough. It said earlier it has an operation in place across the capital tonight, with "high visibility" patrols being carried out. Additional officers will be stationed in Tottenham throughout the night.

Burning building in Tottenham

Hours of violence saw around 300 people battle police in north London on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday.

It followed a protest over the fatal shooting of local man Mark Duggan. The 29-year-old father-of-four died on Thursday after he was shot by police. An Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation into the incident is under way. The IPCC, which is expected to make a statement later this evening on the fatal shooting, has said a non-police firearm was found at the scene of Mr Duggan's death.

Tottenham residents have told Sky News they were in fear for their lives as shops were looted, police cars and a bus set alight and petrol bombs thrown at officers. Scotland Yard said 26 policemen were injured with eight officers - one suffering head injuries - admitted to hospital. They have all since been discharged.

London Ambulance Service said paramedics treated 11 other people, 10 of whom were taken to hospital. A total of 55 people have been arrested for offences including violent disorder, burglary and theft. The violence erupted after more than 100 people staged a vigil for Mark Duggan, marching from the local Broadwater Farm area to Tottenham police station. Mr Duggan's family has told Sky News they do not condone the rioting.

In an exclusive interview with Sky News, the older brother of Mr Duggan called for an end to the violence. Shaun Hall said he did not want any rioting carried out in his brother's name. "The family's devastated. We don't want Mark portrayed as some kind of gangster. He was a good man, a family man," he said.

"We do not condone what happened, we are peaceful people.

"We are grieving and just trying to come to terms with everything that has happened. We do not want this happening in his name." He added: "I know people are frustrated, they're angry out there... but I would say, please try to hold it down." The area at the centre of the disorder has been sealed off in Tottenham High Road, where the crowd set fire to buildings, bins and vehicles.

A branch of supermarket Aldi was also set ablaze, and reports said looters had targeted JJB Sports. By the early hours of Sunday, many protesters had moved to nearby Tottenham Hale retail park, where some were spotted looting PC World and JD Sports. Sky News reporter Simon Newton said he saw youths wheeling out televisions and bags of clothes, but police were not at the scene.

Violence escalated shortly after dark, when protesters set fire to two police cars and a double decker bus. Local MP David Lammy condemned "mindless" people involved in the rioting - but also criticised police for their handling of the situation. "A community that was already hurting has now had the heart ripped out of it," he said. "Many (of the rioters) were not from Tottenham and had come from far beyond this community, intent on causing violence.

"What happened here on Thursday night raised huge questions and we need answers, but the response to that is not to loot (and) to rob. "This is an attack on Tottenham and ordinary people. There are questions about the nature of the escalation of this violence and the nature of the policing that led up to it. "It seemed to go on for many hours before we saw the type of policing that I think is appropriate.

"I think small skirmishes initially should have been stopped far quicker." Metropolitan Police Commander Adrian Hanstock said: "The death of Mark Duggan was absolutely regrettable. "A peaceful demonstration was hijacked by a small number of a criminal element, that used that event for their own gain. "We kept a dignified presence at the vigil. Our preparation was in place and the contingence we had needed to be proportionate to the levels of concern we had in the community.

"It was violence that could not have been anticipated on that scale. As soon as we saw the level, we moved all our available resources, bearing in mind this was at midnight on a Sunday. "I don't think anyone could have forseen that such a peaceful and proper protest vigil would evolve into something like this." Downing Street issued a statement condemning the violence as "utterly unnacceptable".

"There is no justification for the aggression the police and the public faced, or for the damage to property," a statement said. "There is now a police investigation into the rioting and we should let that process happen." The Met Police opened their Gold Command Control centre in south London - normally only used for major incidents, such as the Royal wedding and the student protests.

Sky home affairs correspondent Mark White said: "This is a significant move for the police. "This control centre is only ever activated for major public order events." Two vans were set alight near a block of residential flats just off the High Road, as the violence appeared to spread away from the initial disturbance. Sky News was forced to withdraw camera crews from the area after being attacked in the early hours of the morning. A family friend of Mr Duggan, who gave her name only as Nikki, 53, said the man's friends and relatives had organised the protest because "something has to be done" and the marchers wanted "justice for the family".

Some of those involved lay in the road to make their point, she said.

"They're making their presence known because people are not happy," she added.

"This guy was not violent. Yes, he was involved in things but he was not an aggressive person. He had never hurt anyone." Home Secretary Theresa May said: "I condemn utterly the violence in Tottenham last night. "Such disregard for public safety and property will not be tolerated, and the Metropolitan Police have my full support in restoring order.

"I want to pay tribute to the officers who put themselves in harm's way." Commissioner Rachel Cerfontyne, of the IPCC, said in a statement: "I understand the distress that the shooting of Mark Duggan has caused to his family and in the community and that people need answers about what happened to him." She said the IPCC had supported 14 family members and friends in formally identifying Mr Duggan's body, and would have further meetings with his family on Sunday. "We are still gathering evidence and will release further details about our progress with the investigation as soon as we can."


Polis tambahan telah dikerahkan untuk Enfield untuk mengendalikan pertempuran yang telah pecah petang ini selepas malam rusuhan di Tottenham yang berdekatan. Sekurang-kurangnya 200 belia dipercayai berada di kawasan Street Tinggi Enfield di mana tingkap kedai telah dihancurkan dan sebuah kereta polis diserang. Scotland Yard mengesahkan beberapa orang telah ditangkap selepas rompakan di kota kecil. Ia berkata sebelum ini ia mempunyai kuasa di tempat di seluruh malam ini modal, den-gan "jarak penglihatan yang tinggi" rondaan yang dijalankan. Pegawai-pegawai tambahan akan ditempatkan di Tottenham sepanjang malam.

Burning building in Tottenham

Waktu keganasan melihat kira-kira 300 orang pertempuran polis di utara London pada malam Sabtu dan ke awal pagi Ahad. Ia diikuti membantah menembak maut lelaki tempatan Mark Duggan.

Bapa-pada empat anak, berusia 29 tahun meninggal dunia pada hari Khamis selepas dia ditembak mati oleh polis. Suatu Polis Bebas Aduan Suruhanjaya (IPCC) penyiasatan dalam kejadian itu berada di bawah cara. IPCC, yang dijangka untuk membuat satu kenyataan lewat petang ini menembak yang membawa maut, telah berkata senjata api bukan polis ditemui di tempat kejadian kematian Encik Duggan.

Penduduk Tottenham telah memberitahu Sky News, mereka takut untuk kehidupan mereka sebagai kedai-kedai telah dirompak, kereta polis dan bas turun dan bom petrol yang dilemparkan pada pegawai-pegawai. Scotland Yard berkata 26 anggota polis cedera dengan lapan pegawai - satu penderitaan kecederaan kepala - dimasukkan ke hospital. Mereka telah sejak itu telah dilepaskan.

London Perkhidmatan Ambulans berkata paramedik dirawat 11 orang lain, 10 daripada mereka telah dibawa ke hospital. Seramai 55 orang telah ditangkap kerana kesalahan yang termasuk gangguan ganas, pecah rumah dan kecurian. Keganasan meletus selepas lebih 100 orang mengadakan berjaga-jaga untuk Mark Duggan, berarak dari kawasan Ladang Broadwater tempatan Tottenham balai polis.

Keluarga Encik Duggan telah memberitahu Sky News, mereka tidak membiarkan rusu-han. Dalam temu bual eksklusif dengan Sky News, abang Encik Duggan yang dipanggil untuk menamatkan keganasan. Shaun Hall berkata beliau tidak mahu rusuhan apa-apa yang dijalankan atas nama adiknya. "Keluarga luluh. Kita tidak mahu Mark digambarkan sebagai sebahagian daripada gang-ster. Beliau adalah seorang lelaki yang baik, seorang lelaki keluarga," katanya.

"Kami tidak membiarkan apa yang berlaku, kita orang-orang yang aman.

"Kita bersedih dan hanya cuba untuk datang ke dengan semua yang terjadi. Kita tidak mahu ini berlaku dalam nama-Nya." Beliau menambah: "Saya tahu orang yang kecewa, mereka marah di luar sana ... tetapi saya akan berkata, sila cuba memegang." Kawasan di tengah-tengah gangguan yang telah ditutup di Jalan Tottenham Tinggi, di mana orang ramai membakar bangunan, tong dan kenderaan.

Cawangan pasar raya Emali juga telah dibakar, dan laporan berkata looters telah disa-sarkan Sukan JJB. Menjelang awal pagi hari Minggu, penunjuk perasaan banyak telah berpindah ke berhampiran Tottenham Hale runcit taman, di mana ada yang dikesan rompakan PC World dan Sukan JD.

Sky News wartawan Simon Newton berkata beliau melihat belia pemurah televisyen dan beg pakaian, tetapi polis tidak berada di tempat kejadian. Keganasan meningkat sejurus selepas gelap, apabila penunjuk perasaan membakar dua buah kereta polis dan bas tingkat dua kali. Tempatan MP David Lammy mengutuk orang-orang "tidak wajar" yang terlibat dalam rusuhan itu - tetapi juga mengkritik polis untuk mengendalikan situasi mereka.

"Masyarakat yang sudah menyakiti kini mempunyai jantung itu terbelah daripada," katanya. "Ramai (rioters) tidak dari Tottenham dan telah datang dari jauh di luar komuniti ini, niat untuk menyebabkan keganasan. "Apa yang berlaku di sini pada malam Khamis menimbulkan persoalan besar dan kita perlu jawapan, tetapi tindak balas kepada yang tidak bajakan (dan) untuk merompak.

"Ini adalah satu serangan ke atas Tottenham dan orang biasa. Terdapat soalan mengenai sifat maklum balas dari keganasan ini dan sifat yang kepolisan yang membawa kepa-danya. "Ia seolah-olah pergi untuk berjam-jam sebelum kami melihat jenis kepolisan yang saya fikir adalah wajar. "Saya rasa pertempuran kecil pada mulanya telah berhenti jauh lebih cepat."

Komander Polis Metropolitan Adrian Hanstock berkata: "Kematian Mark Duggan adalah benar-benar dikesali. "A demonstrasi aman telah dirampas oleh sebilangan kecil unsur jenayah, yang meng-gunakan peristiwa itu untuk keuntungan mereka sendiri. "Kami memelihara kehadiran terhormat di berjaga-jaga. Persiapan kami di tempat dan contingence kita perlu seimbang dengan tahap kebimbangan kita dalam masyarakat.

"Ia adalah keganasan yang tidak dapat telah dijangkakan pada skala itu. Sebaik sahaja kita melihat tahap, kita memindahkan semua sumber-sumber yang sedia ada kami, dengan mengambil kira ini adalah di tengah malam pada hari Minggu. "Saya tidak fikir sesiapa sahaja boleh mempunyai forseen bahawa bantahan secara aman dan berjaga-jaga yang sepatutnya akan berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang seperti ini."

Downing Street mengeluarkan satu kenyataan mengutuk keganasan sebagai "benar-benar unnacceptable". "Tidak ada justifikasi untuk keganasan polis dan orang awam yang dihadapi, atau kerosakan kepada harta," kata satu kenyataan. "Terdapat kini penyiasatan polis ke dalam rusuhan dan kita harus membiarkan proses itu berlaku."

Met Polis membuka pusat Kawalan mereka Emas Perintah di selatan London - biasanya hanya digunakan untuk insiden besar, seperti perkahwinan Diraja dan bantahan pelajar.
Sky home hal ehwal wartawan Mark White berkata: "Ini adalah satu langkah yang pen-ting bagi pihak polis. "Ini pusat kawalan hanya pernah diaktifkan untuk acara-acara perintah awam utama."

Dua buah van telah ditetapkan turun berhampiran blok rumah pangsa kediaman tidak jauh dari Jalan Tinggi, sebagai keganasan muncul untuk menyebarkan diri dari gang-guan awal. Sky News telah dipaksa untuk menarik balik krew kamera dari kawasan tersebut selepas diserang pada waktu awal pagi. Seorang kawan keluarga Encik Duggan, yang memberikan namanya hanya sebagai Nikki, 53, berkata rakan-rakan dan saudara-mara lelaki telah menganjurkan bantahan kerana "sesuatu harus dilakukan" dan perbarisan mahu "keadilan untuk keluarga".

Sebahagian daripada mereka yang terlibat terletak di jalan raya untuk membuat mata mereka, katanya. "Mereka membuat kehadiran mereka yang dikenali kerana rakyat tidak berpuas hati," tambah beliau. "Lelaki ini tidak ganas. Ya, beliau terlibat dalam perkara-perkara tetapi dia tidak orang yang agresif. Dia tidak pernah menyakiti sesiapa." Home Setiausaha Theresa Mei berkata: "Saya benar-benar mengutuk keganasan di Tottenham malam tadi. "Mengabaikan sedemikian untuk keselamatan dan harta benda awam tidak akan berto-lak ansur, dan Polis Metropolitan mempunyai sokongan penuh saya dalam memulihkan ketenteraman.

"Saya mahu membayar penghormatan kepada pegawai-pegawai yang meletakkan diri mereka pergi berperang." Pesuruhjaya Rachel Cerfontyne, IPCC, berkata dalam satu kenyataan: "Saya memahami kesusahan yang menembak Mark Duggan telah menyebabkan keluarganya dan masyarakat dan bahawa manusia memerlukan jawapan mengenai apa yang berlaku kepadanya." Beliau berkata IPCC telah disokong 14 ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan secara rasmi men-genal pasti badan Encik Duggan, dan akan mengadakan perbincangan lanjut dengan keluarganya pada hari Ahad. "Kami masih mengumpul segala bukti dan akan melepaskan maklumat lanjut mengenai kemajuan siasatan dengan seberapa segera yang kita boleh."

Taken between 08/06/2011 and 08/07/2011

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Tottenham in North London exploded after a man was killed by the local police. The people marched on the police station and then took to the streets attacking buses and buildings. by Pan-African News Wire File Photos
Tottenham in North London...
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Tottenham Riots - 6th August 2011
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Tottenham Riots - 6th August 2011 by suburbanslice
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Tottenham Riots - 6th August 2011
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The Tottenham rebellion in London,England was sparked by the killing of a man by the police. Hundreds took to the streets after marching on the local police station. by Pan-African News Wire File Photos
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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from giloi2008
The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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from giloi2008
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from giloi2008
The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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from giloi2008
The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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from giloi2008
The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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from giloi2008
The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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The Tottenham Riots by giloi2008
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Remember: A Message Since 2004!!!
The Market, the System, the Economic are dead, Cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s Over, Don’t Waste your TIME! I give you an example maturity: Like Ourself We Born then We Die when old age, so same things with the System, the Market, the Business, the Economic, the WORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up.

We must move to another Destiny to produce. We have to understand, when we plant a tree on the new, fresh soil, the reality maximum result will produce! (The system of Awalin: Abolish theTax & Everyone In The WORLD will be A Millionaire”) You don’t know, what I know. Do not do wrong-doers to your ownselves (believe me it’s about ABOLISH the TAX 'theDestiny: The Coming of Messiah) THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY ! (HebrewKing: Hamdenbolly)